ya ( ) - arrow
yamabushi 山伏 ( やまぶし ) - another term for shugenja; lit.: 'one who lies in the mountains'
yamabushi heihou 山伏兵法 ( やまぶしへいほう ) - methods of fighting or tactics developed by the yamabushi
yaniwa 矢庭 ( やにわ ) - archery range
yanone 矢の根 ( やのね ) - arrowhead
yari ( やり ) - spear
yasurime 鑢目 ( やすりめ ) - file marks found on the tang of a Japanese sword
yawara 柔ら ( やわら ) - term for juujutsu or general unarmed combat
yawaragi 柔技 ( やわらぎ ) - term for juujutsu
yawarajutsu 柔術 ( やわらじゅつ ) - another term for general unarmed combat
yawarariki 柔力 ( やわらりき ) - general term for unarmed combat
yoko aruki 横歩き ( よこあるき ) - sideways walking; cross step
yokote 横手 ( よこて ) - the ridge that separates the tip from the rest of the blade of a Japanese sword
yoroi ( よろい ) - armor; suit of armor
yoroi kumiuchi 鎧組討 ( よろいくみうち ) - battlefield grappling in armor
yoroidoushi 鎧通し ( よろいどうし ) - dagger like thrusting blade for use against an armored opponent
yotsugumi ( ) - method of grappling in armor
youmei 幼名 ( ようめい ) - childhood name of a samurai
yueijutsu 游泳術 ( ゆえいじゅつ ) - swimming skills
yumi ( ゆみ ) - Japanese-style bow (for shooting arrows)
yuudansha 有段者 ( ゆうだんしゃ ) - those holding black belt rank

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