kabura maki 蕪巻 ( かぶらまき ) - hemp or rattan wrapping below the blade of a yari or naginata in order to stop blood dripping onto the handle
kabuto ( かぶと ) - armored helmet
kabutowari 兜割り ( かぶとわり ) - sword-like weapon designed to crush armor; helmet splitter
kaeshiwaza 返し技 ( かえしわざ ) - techniques to reverse or escape techniques being applied to oneself
kaginawa 鉤縄 ( かぎなわ ) - hook and rope; grappling hook
kaiken 懐剣 ( かいけん ) - single or double-edged dagger without ornamental fittings housed in a plain mount
kaisho 楷書 ( かいしょ ) - square style of handwriting;
kaiten 回転 ( かいてん ) - roll done for ukemi
kakejiku 掛け軸 ( かけじく ) - hanging scroll
kakemono 掛物 ( かけもの ) - hanging scroll; scroll that is hung on the wall
kakushibuki 隠し武器 ( かくしぶき ) - concealed weapon
kama ( かま ) - sickle
kamari かまり ( かまり ) - large group or team of ninja
kamari ( かまり ) - another term for ninja
kamayari 鎌槍 ( かまやり ) - spear with one or two curved secondary blades
kami ( かみ ) - Shintou deities; god(s)
kamidana 神棚 ( かみだな ) - shelf on which the kamiza sits
kamiyo moji 神代文字 ( かみよもじ ) - form of writing possibly used before the adoption of Chinese characters
kamiza 神座 ( かみざ ) - usually a small, shelf-top shrine located in a doujou
kamiza 上座 ( かみざ ) - place of honor in the doujou; lit. high seat
kan ( かん ) - scouting warriors; early term for ninja
kanabou 金棒 ( かなぼう ) - spiked or studded two-handed war club used in feudal Japan
kansetsuwaza 関節技 ( かんせつわざ ) - joint-locking technique
kanshi 間士 ( かんし ) - another term for ninja
kaou 花押 ( かおう ) - stylized mark used in place of a signature
kappou 活法 ( かっぽう ) - resucitation methods
kassen kumiuchi 合戦組討 ( かっせんくみうち ) - battlefield grappling
kata ( かた ) - kata; arranged movement patterns
kata ( かた ) - arranged movement patterns
katana ( かたな ) - long sword, usually worn blade-up in the belt
katana ( かたな ) - sword
katana kake 刀掛け ( かたなかけ ) - sword rack
katchuu 甲冑 ( かっちゅう ) - armor and helmet; fighting with armor
katchuu bujutsu 甲冑武術 ( かっちゅうぶじゅつ ) - fighting techniques while wearing armor
katchuushi 甲冑師 ( かっちゅうし ) - armorer
katsu ( かつ ) - resucitation methods
katsujinken 活人剣 ( かつじんけん ) - life giving sword
kayakujutsu 火薬術 ( かやくじゅつ ) - skill with gunpowder; firearms; explosives
kazunuki 数抜き ( かずぬき ) - drawing and cutting with a sword 3,000, 10,000 or 30,000 times
keiko shoukon 稽古照今 ( けいこしょうこん ) - reflect on the old to understand the new
keikogi 稽古着 ( けいこぎ ) - gi; training uniform
ken ( けん ) - fist
ken ( けん ) - sword, usually straight-bladed, but can refer to any sword
kendou 剣道 ( けんどう ) - way of the sword; modern martial art of Japanese fencing
kenjutsu 剣術 ( けんじゅつ ) - techniques of the sword; swordsmanship
kenpou 剣法 ( けんぽう ) - sword methods
kenpou 拳法 ( けんぽう ) - unarmed fighting focusing on striking
keppan 血判 ( けっぱん ) - blood oath
keri ( けり ) - kick
kesa giri 袈裟切り ( けさぎり ) - diagonal cut from shoulder to hip of target; refers to the kesa (stole) worn by Buddhist priests
kiai 気合 ( きあい ) - kiai; sprit shout
kigaku 気学 ( きがく ) - fortune telling based on Chinese twelve year cycle
kikimonoyaku 聞者役 ( ききものやく ) - another term for ninja
kikyo 跪居 ( ききょ ) - crouching posture with the heels lifted and weight on the toes
kime 極め ( きめ ) - focus
kirigami menjou 切り紙免状 ( きりがみめんじょう ) - classical license on a simple piece of folded Japanese paper
kishoumon 起請文 ( きしょうもん ) - vow on entering a classical tradition
kissaki 切っ先 ( きっさき ) - point of sword
kissaki 切先 ( きっさき ) - point of sword
kitenken 起転拳 ( きてんけん ) - strike with the side of the hand; shutou
kodachi 小太刀 ( こだち ) - short sword; wakizashi
kogatana 小刀 ( こがたな ) - short sword or small knife
kogusoku 古具足 ( こぐそく ) - grapplingl; usually in armor
koiguchi 鯉口 ( こいぐち ) - mouth of a sword scabbard
kojiri ( こじり ) - tip or bottom of sword scabbard
kokorogamae 心構え ( こころがまえ ) - preparedness; readiness; lit "kamae of the heart"
koku ( こく ) - traditional Japanese unit of measure; usually used to measure income; amount of rice that will feed one person for a year
kokyuu hou 呼吸法 ( こきゅうほう ) - breathing methods
kongojou 金剛杖 ( こんごうじょう ) - a staff carried by yamabushi similar to the shakujou
koppou 骨法 ( こっぽう ) - knack; essence; bone-breaking methods
koppouken 骨法拳 ( こっぽうけん ) - thumb knuckle strike
koshi no mawari 腰の周り ( こしのまわり ) - generic term for grappling
kosshijutsu 骨指術 ( こっしじゅつ ) - muscle striking art
kote 小手 ( こて ) - forearm; wrist; armored forearm protectors
kotou ryuu koppoujutsu 虎倒流骨法術 ( ことうりゅうこっぽうじゅつ ) - koppoujutsu tradition studied in the Bujinkan
koubou itchi 攻防一致 ( こほういっち ) - attack and defense are one
kouga 甲賀 ( こうが ) - region of Japan known for being the home of many ninja groups
kouhai 後輩 ( こうはい ) - junior; person of lower rank
kuden 口伝 ( くでん ) - oral transmission; teachings that are not written in densho or makimono
kuji 九字 ( くじ ) - nine signs; mudra used in esoteric Buddhism
kuji goshin hou 九字護身法 ( くじごしん法 ) - mudra originally from esoteric Buddhism used in bujutsu
kumanote 熊の手 ( くまのて ) - another term for shukou or tekagi lit. bear claws
kumiuchi 組討 ( くみうち ) - grappling
kumiuchi 組み打ち ( くみうち ) - grappling
kurigata 栗型 ( くりがた ) - sageo hole in saya
kusa ( くさ ) - another term for ninja
kusarigama 鎖鎌 ( くさりがま ) - chain and sickle weapon
kusazuri 草摺 ( くさずり ) - tassets; armored thigh protectors
kuukan 空間 ( くうかん ) - space; room
kuwagata 鍬形 ( くわがた ) - decorative crest on kabuto; lit.: hoe-shapes
kyojitsu 虚実 ( きょじつ ) - truth and falsehood
kyojitsu tenkan hou 虚実転換法 ( きょじつてんかんほう ) - interchanging truth and falsehood
kyoketsu shoge 距跋渉毛 ( きょけつしょうげ ) - weapon consisting of a hooked dagger, a long rope and a weighted ring
kyoudan 郷談 ( きょうだん ) - another term for ninja
kyoudou 郷導 ( きょうどう ) - another term for ninja
kyuuba 弓馬 ( きゅうば ) - archery and horsemanship
kyuuba souken 弓馬槍剣 ( きゅうばそうけん ) - archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship; martial arts in general
kyuuba tousou 弓馬刀槍 ( きゅうばとうそう ) - archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship; martial arts in general
kyuusho 急所 ( きゅうしょ ) - weak point; pressure point

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