gasshou rei 合掌礼 ( がっしょうれい ) - formal bow with hands helds or clasped together
genpuku 元服 ( げんぷく ) - coming of age ceremony for samurai
go no sen 後の先 ( ごのせん ) - responsive initiative; also machi no sen
gogyou 五行 ( ごぎょう ) - the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water)
gokui 極意 ( ごくい ) - secret teachings
goshinjutsu 護身術 ( ごしんじゅつ ) - self defense
goshinpou 護身法 ( ごしんぽう ) - spiritual methods of protecting oneself against evil
goushi 郷士 ( ごうし ) - farmer warriors; warriors who held and worked land
gunbaisha 軍配者 ( ぐんばいしゃ ) - practitioner of battlefield divination
gunryaku tenmon chimon 軍略天文地文 ( ぐんりゃくてんもんちんもん ) - battlefield strategy using weather and terrain
gyokko ryuu 玉虎流 ( ぎょっこりゅう ) - kosshijutsu tradition studied in the Bujinkan
gyouja 行者 ( ぎょうじゃ ) - ascetic; pilgrim
gyousho 行書 ( ぎょうしょ ) - semi-cursive style of writing

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