422 martial arts terms sorted alphabetically (by romaji)     
A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   M   N   O   R   S   T   U   W   Y  
aguraza 胡座 ( あぐらざ ) - sitting with legs crossed
aikijuujutsu 合気柔術 ( あいきじゅうじゅつ ) - aikijuujutsu
aite 相手 ( あいて ) - opponent
aiuchi 相打ち ( あいうち ) - simultaneous strike; mutual kill
ashi sabaki 足捌き ( あしさばき ) - footwork
ashigaru 足軽 ( あしがる ) - foot soldier
ashikou 足鉤 ( あしこう ) - also "sokkou"; metal claws worn on the feet to aid in climbing (Togakure ryuu)
atemi 当身 ( あてみ ) - body strikes; strike to the body
bakufu 幕府 ( ばくふ ) - military government of old Japan
bokken 木剣 ( ぼっけん ) - wooden training sword
bokutou 木刀 ( ぼくとう ) - wooden training sword
boshiken 拇指拳 ( ぼしけん ) - boshiken; thumb tip strike
bou shuriken 棒手裏剣 ( ぼうしゅりけん ) - throwing spikes
boujutsu 棒術 ( ぼうじゅつ ) - skill with a wooden staff
bounote 棒の手 ( ぼうのて ) - traditional performance of martial arts often using sword, staff, spear or other weapons
boushi 鋩子 ( ぼうし ) - the hamon on the kissaki of a sword
bu ( ) - measure of length; about 0.12 inches; 10 bu = 1 sun
budouka 武道者 ( ぶどうか ) - martial artis
bugei 武芸 ( ぶげい ) - generic term for the martial arts
bugeisha 武芸者 ( ぶげいしゃ ) - person who practices the martial arts
bujinkan doujou 武神館道場 ( ぶじんかんどうじょう ) - the name of the organization begun by Hatsumi Masaaki
bushi 武士 ( ぶし ) - samurai;warrior
chisei 知声 ( ちせい ) - knowing voice; a kind of kiai
chonmage 丁髷 ( ちょんまげ ) - topknot worn by samurai
choushi 調子 ( ちょうし ) - rhythm; rhythm of a kata
chouyakujutsu 跳躍術 ( ちょうやくじゅつ ) - training in leaping and jumping
daikamari 大かまり ( だいかまり ) - very large group of ninja
daimyou 大名 ( だいみょう ) - feudal lord
dakentaijutsu 打拳体術 ( だけんたいじゅつ ) - term to describe striking using the body
dakkou 奪口 ( だっこう ) - another term for ninja
densho 伝書 ( でんしょ ) - scroll containing the teachings of a ryuuha
deshi 弟子 ( でし ) - student
donryuubou 呑龍棒 ( どんりゅうぼう ) - hollow fighting staff with 4 spikes arranged around the opening at one end and a four foot long weighted chain. From Kukishin ryuu.
doujou 道場 ( どうじょう ) - martial arts training hall; martial arts school
doujou arashi 道場嵐 ( どうじょうあらし ) - a challenge between schools in which all the students are involved
doujou yaburi 道場破り ( どうじょうやぶり ) - a contest between schools; to defeat another school in a contest
doushin 同心 ( どうしん ) - Tokugawa period law enforcement official
emaki 絵巻 ( えまき ) - scroll consisting of drawings
emakimono 絵巻物 ( えまきもの ) - narrative picture scroll
fuchi ( ふち ) - hilt collar between the tsuka and the tsuba
fudoushin 不動心 ( ふどうしん ) - immoveable mind; calm spirit
fukikaeshi 吹返 ( ふきかえし ) - curved panels on the sides a kabuto
fukiya 吹矢 ( ふきや ) - blowgun; blowgun dart
fukuro shinai 袋竹刀 ( ふくろしない ) - training sword made of a split bamboo stick inside a leather or doeskin bag; lit. bag shinai
gasshou rei 合掌礼 ( がっしょうれい ) - formal bow with hands helds or clasped together
genpuku 元服 ( げんぷく ) - coming of age ceremony for samurai
go no sen 後の先 ( ごのせん ) - responsive initiative; also machi no sen
gogyou 五行 ( ごぎょう ) - the five elements (wood, fire, earth, metal and water)
gokui 極意 ( ごくい ) - secret teachings
goshinjutsu 護身術 ( ごしんじゅつ ) - self defense
goshinpou 護身法 ( ごしんぽう ) - spiritual methods of protecting oneself against evil
goushi 郷士 ( ごうし ) - farmer warriors; warriors who held and worked land
gunbaisha 軍配者 ( ぐんばいしゃ ) - practitioner of battlefield divination
gunryaku tenmon chimon 軍略天文地文 ( ぐんりゃくてんもんちんもん ) - battlefield strategy using weather and terrain
gyokko ryuu 玉虎流 ( ぎょっこりゅう ) - kosshijutsu tradition studied in the Bujinkan
gyouja 行者 ( ぎょうじゃ ) - ascetic; pilgrim
gyousho 行書 ( ぎょうしょ ) - semi-cursive style of writing
ha ( ) - the edge of the blade of a sword
habaki ( はばき ) - wedge shaped metal collar used to keep the sword from falling out of the scabbard
hachimaki 鉢巻 ( はちまき ) - head wrap
hachiwari 鉢割 ( はちわり ) - helmet breaker; handheld weapon used to break armor
hada ( はだ ) - the grain of the metal on a sword blade
hagaijime 羽交締め ( はがいじめ ) - restraining technique similar to a full-nelson
haidate 佩楯 ( はいだて ) - armored thigh guards
hakama ( はかま ) - pleated trousers
hakuda 白打 ( はくだ ) - unarmed close combat techniques
hamachi 刃区 ( はまち ) - notch where the blade meets the nakago on a Japanese sword
hamon 破門 ( はもん ) - formal expulsion from a ryuu
hamon 刃文 ( はもん ) - temper line found on the blade of a Japanese sword
hanbou 半棒 ( はんぼう ) - short (usually 3 foot) staff
hanshi 範士 ( はんし ) - master practitioner
happaken 八葉拳 ( はっぱけん ) - double open handed strike
haramaki 腹巻 ( はらまき ) - light armor worn by footsoldiers; stomach wrap
hatahoko 幡幢 ( はたほこ ) - spear with a small banner attached sometimes used to decorate an altar
hayamichi no mono 早道の者 ( はやみちのもの ) - another term for ninja
heifuku kumiuchi 平服組討 ( へいふくくみうち ) - fighting in everyday clothing
heihou 兵法 ( へいほう ) - methods of strategy
henka 変化 ( へんか ) - variation or change in a technique
hensoujutsu 変装術 ( へんそうじゅつ ) - methods of disguise
hibuki 秘武器 ( ひぶき ) - secret weapon
hichoujutsu 飛鳥術 ( ひちょうじゅつ ) - practice of leaping and jumping
hiden 秘伝 ( ひでん ) - secret technique or teaching
higurumaken 火車剣 ( ひぐるまけん ) - fire shuriken
hijiri ( ひじり ) - Buddhist missionary
hinawajuu 火縄銃 ( ひなわじゅう ) - matchlock musket
hira shuriken 平手裏剣 ( ひらしゅりけん ) - flat throwing blades, usually star-shaped
hisouken 秘槍拳 ( ひそうけん ) - thumb tip strike; boushiken
hobaku 捕縛 ( ほばく ) - arresting or binding techniques; tying techniques
hojou 捕縄 ( ほじょう ) - tying and securing; rope used to bind a criminal
hojoujutsu 捕縛術 ( ほじょうじゅつ ) - methods of binding with a rope
honbu 本部 ( ほんぶ ) - headquarters; main branch; also hombu
horagai 法螺貝 ( ほらがい ) - conch shell trumpet
houjutsu 方術 ( ほうじゅつ ) - system of divination based on direction
hyouhou 兵法 ( ひょうほう ) - methods of strategy; also heihou
hyoushi 拍子 ( ひょうし ) - rhythm, timing
iai 居合い ( いあい ) - drawing and cutting with the sword
iaidou 居合道 ( いあいどう ) - the art of drawing and cutting with the sword
iaijutsu 居合術 ( いあいじゅつ ) - methods of drawing and cutting with the sword
iemoto 家元 ( いてもと ) - head family of a school
iga 伊賀 ( いが ) - an old province of Japan in the area that is today western Mie Prefecture
igadama 伊賀玉 ( いがだま ) - small round caltrops
injiuchi 印地打ち ( いんじうち ) - practice of throwing stones, sometimes as a game
inkajou 印可状 ( いんかじょう ) - authority to pass on the tradition;
ishinage 石投げ ( いしなげ ) - throwing rocks
ishu 伊州 ( いしゅ ) - another name for Iga Province
isshi souden 一子相伝 ( いっしそうでん ) - complete transmission of the techniques and principles of a ryuuha to a blood-heir
ita shuriken 板手裏剣 ( いたしゅりけん ) - plank shuriken; flat shuriken
ji ( ) - area between the hamon and the shinogi on a Japanese sword blade
jindai moji 神代文字 ( じんだいもじ ) - form of writing possibly used before the adoption of Chinese characters
jingasa 陣笠 ( じんがさ ) - flattened, wide brimmed helmet
jissen 実戦 ( じっせん ) - real combat; realistic fighting
jizamurai 地侍 ( じざむらい ) - provincial warrior who would return to farm his land while in peacetime
joshi goshinjutsu 女子護身術 ( じょしごしんじゅつ ) - women's self defense
jou ( じょう ) - staff usually about 4 feet in length
juudou 柔道 ( じゅうどう ) - judo
juujutsu 柔術 ( じゅうじゅつ ) - method of close combat, unarmed or using weapons
juunan undou 柔軟運動 ( じゅうなんうんどう ) - flexibility exercises
juutaijutsu 柔体術 ( じゅうたいじゅつ ) - term used to describe methods of throwing an opponent using the body
kabura maki 蕪巻 ( かぶらまき ) - hemp or rattan wrapping below the blade of a yari or naginata in order to stop blood dripping onto the handle
kabuto ( かぶと ) - armored helmet
kabutowari 兜割り ( かぶとわり ) - sword-like weapon designed to crush armor; helmet splitter
kaeshiwaza 返し技 ( かえしわざ ) - techniques to reverse or escape techniques being applied to oneself
kaginawa 鉤縄 ( かぎなわ ) - hook and rope; grappling hook
kaiken 懐剣 ( かいけん ) - single or double-edged dagger without ornamental fittings housed in a plain mount
kaisho 楷書 ( かいしょ ) - square style of handwriting;
kaiten 回転 ( かいてん ) - roll done for ukemi
kakejiku 掛け軸 ( かけじく ) - hanging scroll
kakemono 掛物 ( かけもの ) - hanging scroll; scroll that is hung on the wall
kakushibuki 隠し武器 ( かくしぶき ) - concealed weapon
kama ( かま ) - sickle
kamari かまり ( かまり ) - large group or team of ninja
kamari ( かまり ) - another term for ninja
kamayari 鎌槍 ( かまやり ) - spear with one or two curved secondary blades
kami ( かみ ) - Shintou deities; god(s)
kamidana 神棚 ( かみだな ) - shelf on which the kamiza sits
kamiyo moji 神代文字 ( かみよもじ ) - form of writing possibly used before the adoption of Chinese characters
kamiza 神座 ( かみざ ) - usually a small, shelf-top shrine located in a doujou
kamiza 上座 ( かみざ ) - place of honor in the doujou; lit. high seat
kan ( かん ) - scouting warriors; early term for ninja
kanabou 金棒 ( かなぼう ) - spiked or studded two-handed war club used in feudal Japan
kansetsuwaza 関節技 ( かんせつわざ ) - joint-locking technique
kanshi 間士 ( かんし ) - another term for ninja
kaou 花押 ( かおう ) - stylized mark used in place of a signature
kappou 活法 ( かっぽう ) - resucitation methods
kassen kumiuchi 合戦組討 ( かっせんくみうち ) - battlefield grappling
kata ( かた ) - kata; arranged movement patterns
kata ( かた ) - arranged movement patterns
katana ( かたな ) - long sword, usually worn blade-up in the belt
katana ( かたな ) - sword
katana kake 刀掛け ( かたなかけ ) - sword rack
katchuu 甲冑 ( かっちゅう ) - armor and helmet; fighting with armor
katchuu bujutsu 甲冑武術 ( かっちゅうぶじゅつ ) - fighting techniques while wearing armor
katchuushi 甲冑師 ( かっちゅうし ) - armorer
katsu ( かつ ) - resucitation methods
katsujinken 活人剣 ( かつじんけん ) - life giving sword
kayakujutsu 火薬術 ( かやくじゅつ ) - skill with gunpowder; firearms; explosives
kazunuki 数抜き ( かずぬき ) - drawing and cutting with a sword 3,000, 10,000 or 30,000 times
keiko shoukon 稽古照今 ( けいこしょうこん ) - reflect on the old to understand the new
keikogi 稽古着 ( けいこぎ ) - gi; training uniform
ken ( けん ) - fist
ken ( けん ) - sword, usually straight-bladed, but can refer to any sword
kendou 剣道 ( けんどう ) - way of the sword; modern martial art of Japanese fencing
kenjutsu 剣術 ( けんじゅつ ) - techniques of the sword; swordsmanship
kenpou 剣法 ( けんぽう ) - sword methods
kenpou 拳法 ( けんぽう ) - unarmed fighting focusing on striking
keppan 血判 ( けっぱん ) - blood oath
keri ( けり ) - kick
kesa giri 袈裟切り ( けさぎり ) - diagonal cut from shoulder to hip of target; refers to the kesa (stole) worn by Buddhist priests
kiai 気合 ( きあい ) - kiai; sprit shout
kigaku 気学 ( きがく ) - fortune telling based on Chinese twelve year cycle
kikimonoyaku 聞者役 ( ききものやく ) - another term for ninja
kikyo 跪居 ( ききょ ) - crouching posture with the heels lifted and weight on the toes
kime 極め ( きめ ) - focus
kirigami menjou 切り紙免状 ( きりがみめんじょう ) - classical license on a simple piece of folded Japanese paper
kishoumon 起請文 ( きしょうもん ) - vow on entering a classical tradition
kissaki 切っ先 ( きっさき ) - point of sword
kissaki 切先 ( きっさき ) - point of sword
kitenken 起転拳 ( きてんけん ) - strike with the side of the hand; shutou
kodachi 小太刀 ( こだち ) - short sword; wakizashi
kogatana 小刀 ( こがたな ) - short sword or small knife
kogusoku 古具足 ( こぐそく ) - grapplingl; usually in armor
koiguchi 鯉口 ( こいぐち ) - mouth of a sword scabbard
kojiri ( こじり ) - tip or bottom of sword scabbard
kokorogamae 心構え ( こころがまえ ) - preparedness; readiness; lit "kamae of the heart"
koku ( こく ) - traditional Japanese unit of measure; usually used to measure income; amount of rice that will feed one person for a year
kokyuu hou 呼吸法 ( こきゅうほう ) - breathing methods
kongojou 金剛杖 ( こんごうじょう ) - a staff carried by yamabushi similar to the shakujou
koppou 骨法 ( こっぽう ) - knack; essence; bone-breaking methods
koppouken 骨法拳 ( こっぽうけん ) - thumb knuckle strike
koshi no mawari 腰の周り ( こしのまわり ) - generic term for grappling
kosshijutsu 骨指術 ( こっしじゅつ ) - muscle striking art
kote 小手 ( こて ) - forearm; wrist; armored forearm protectors
kotou ryuu koppoujutsu 虎倒流骨法術 ( ことうりゅうこっぽうじゅつ ) - koppoujutsu tradition studied in the Bujinkan
koubou itchi 攻防一致 ( こほういっち ) - attack and defense are one
kouga 甲賀 ( こうが ) - region of Japan known for being the home of many ninja groups
kouhai 後輩 ( こうはい ) - junior; person of lower rank
kuden 口伝 ( くでん ) - oral transmission; teachings that are not written in densho or makimono
kuji 九字 ( くじ ) - nine signs; mudra used in esoteric Buddhism
kuji goshin hou 九字護身法 ( くじごしん法 ) - mudra originally from esoteric Buddhism used in bujutsu
kumanote 熊の手 ( くまのて ) - another term for shukou or tekagi lit. bear claws
kumiuchi 組討 ( くみうち ) - grappling
kumiuchi 組み打ち ( くみうち ) - grappling
kurigata 栗型 ( くりがた ) - sageo hole in saya
kusa ( くさ ) - another term for ninja
kusarigama 鎖鎌 ( くさりがま ) - chain and sickle weapon
kusazuri 草摺 ( くさずり ) - tassets; armored thigh protectors
kuukan 空間 ( くうかん ) - space; room
kuwagata 鍬形 ( くわがた ) - decorative crest on kabuto; lit.: hoe-shapes
kyojitsu 虚実 ( きょじつ ) - truth and falsehood
kyojitsu tenkan hou 虚実転換法 ( きょじつてんかんほう ) - interchanging truth and falsehood
kyoketsu shoge 距跋渉毛 ( きょけつしょうげ ) - weapon consisting of a hooked dagger, a long rope and a weighted ring
kyoudan 郷談 ( きょうだん ) - another term for ninja
kyoudou 郷導 ( きょうどう ) - another term for ninja
kyuuba 弓馬 ( きゅうば ) - archery and horsemanship
kyuuba souken 弓馬槍剣 ( きゅうばそうけん ) - archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship; martial arts in general
kyuuba tousou 弓馬刀槍 ( きゅうばとうそう ) - archery, horsemanship, spearsmanship, and swordsmanship; martial arts in general
kyuusho 急所 ( きゅうしょ ) - weak point; pressure point
maai 間合い ( まあい ) - distance; interval;
maedate 前立て ( まえだて ) - crest worn on the helmet
makibishi 撒き菱 ( まきびし ) - caltrop
makimono 巻物 ( まきもの ) - scroll containing techniques and teachings of a ryuuha
matagi 又鬼 ( またぎ ) - traditional winter hunters in northern Japan
mei ( めい ) - signature on the tang of a Japanese sword
mekugiana 目釘穴 ( めくぎあな ) - the hole into which the mekugi (peg) is inserted on the tang of a Japanese sword
menkyo kaiden 免許皆伝 ( めんきょかいでん ) - full initiation into a ryuuha
menpou 面頬 ( めんぽう ) - face guard; usually worn with an armored helmet
menuki 目貫 ( めぬき ) - sword handle ornaments
metezashi 馬手差 ( めてざし ) - armor-piercing dagger worn on the right side and drawn with the left hand
mizugumo 水蜘 ( みずぐも ) - device for crossing marshy areas; lit: water spider
mokuroku 目録 ( もくろく ) - catalog of the techniques of a ryuuha
monomi 物見 ( ものみ ) - reconnaissance and observation techniques
monomi 物見 ( ものみ ) - another term for ninja
monouchi 物打ち ( ものうち ) - the part of the blade that is best suited for cutting on a Japanese sword
mune ( むね ) - chest
mune ( むね ) - the back of the blade of a Japanese sword
munemachi 棟区 ( むねまち ) - notch where the nakago meets the mune on a Japanese sword
muromachi jidai 室町時代 ( むろまちじだい ) - Muromachi period; a division of Japanese history running from approximately 1336 to 1573
musha shugyou 武者修行 ( むしゃしゅぎょう ) - the practice of traveling about to gain martial skill
mushin 無心 ( むしん ) - spontaneous action lit:no mind
nafuda 名札 ( なふだ ) - Nafuda are thin, rectangular wooden plaques on which individuals’ names are written vertically in kanji or kana
nafuda kake 名札掛け ( なふだかけ ) - a rack used to hang name plaques
naginata 薙刀 ( なぎなた ) - long handled halberd
naginata 長刀 ( なぎなた ) - halberg
nakago ( なかご ) - tang of the blade of a Japanese sword
ninja 忍者 ( にんじゃ ) - ninja
ninpou taijutsu 忍法体術 ( にんぽうたいじゅつ ) - the ninjas specialized methods of juujutsu
nodachi 野太刀 ( のだち ) - large sword with a blade length of around 3 shaku
nodowa 喉輪 ( のどわ ) - armored neck protection
nyoibou 如意棒 ( にょいぼう ) - large staff weapon used to crush opponents
omotewaza 表技 ( おもてわざ ) - the basic techniques of a ryuuha lit. outer technique
onkenjutsu 穏剣術 ( おんけんじゅつ ) - another term for shurikenjutsu; may refer to using shuriken in the hands
onmitsu 隠密 ( おんみつ ) - spy; detective; someone who secretly observes
onmyoudou 陰陽道 ( おんみょうどう ) - raditional Japanese esoteric cosmology
oodachi 大太刀 ( おおだち ) - sword with a blade length of around 3 shaku
oosode 大袖 ( おおそで ) - armored protection for the upper arms and shoulders
ooyoroi 大鎧 ( おおよろい ) - older style of armor
outen 横転 ( おうてん ) - cartwheel done for ukemi
rakuza 楽座 ( らくざ ) - seated posture with soles of the feet together
rappa 乱破 ( らっぱ ) - another term for ninja
reisho 隷書 ( れいしょ ) - clerical script; old, highly angular style of writing
rokushakubou 六尺棒 ( ろくしゃくぼう ) - six shaku staff; six foot staff
rounin 浪人 ( ろうにん ) - masterless samurai
ruikei no jutsu 縲繋之術 ( るいけいのじゅつ ) - methods of binding with a rope
ryuu ( りゅう ) - style; school; method; tradition
ryuuha 流派 ( りゅうは ) - school; tradition
sageo 下緒 ( さげお ) - sword knot; cord used to secure a katana in the belt
saisaku 細作 ( さいさく ) - another term for ninja
sakki 殺気 ( さっき ) - intent to kill
samegawa 鮫皮 ( さめがわ ) - shark or ray skin wrapped around the handle of a sword
samurai ( さむらい ) - samurai
sanshakubou 三尺棒 ( さんしゃくぼう ) - 3 shaku stick; hanbou
sasumata 刺股 ( さすまた ) - pole weapon used to control or capture people at a distance; "spear fork"
satsujinken 殺人剣 ( さつじんけん ) - life-taking sword
seiryoku zenyou 勢力善用 ( せいりょくぜにょう ) - efficient use of energy
seiza 正座 ( せいざ ) - kneeling seated posture; "seated correctly"
sen ( せん ) - initiative; the decisive moment when a killing action is initiated;
sen no sen 先の先 ( せんのせん ) - Strike as opponent commits to an attack but before he moves
senban 銛盤 ( せんばん ) - type of flat shuriken used in Togakure ryuu ninjutsu
sendan maki 千段巻 ( せんだんまき ) - the rattan or hemp wrapping around the insertion point of the blade of a yari or naginata which is then coated with lacquer
sengoku jidai 戦国時代 ( せんごくじだい ) - Age of Warring States; a period in Japanese history of near-constant civil war, social upheaval, and political intrigue from 1467 to 1615
senjou kumiuchi 戦場組討 ( せんじょうくみうち ) - battlefield grappling
senjutsu 戦術 ( せんじゅつ ) - battlefield tactics
senryaku 戦略 ( せんりゃく ) - strategy
seppa 切羽 ( せっぱ ) - spacers placed between the tsuba and handle of a sword
shakoken 蝦蛄拳 ( しゃこけん ) - open handed palm strike
shaku ( しゃく ) - measure of length; about 11.93 inches
shakujou 錫杖 ( しゃくじょう ) - walking stick carried by travelling monks typically tipped with an encircled metal finial with a number of interlocking rings
shikanken 指環拳 ( しかんけん ) - strike with the second knuckles of the hand (Togakure ryuu)
shikin haramitsu daikomyou 詞韻波羅蜜大光明 ( しきんはらみつだいこみょう ) - words spoken at the beginning of Bujinkan classes
shikomizue 仕込杖 ( しこみずえ ) - cane sword; short staff with blade hidden inside
shime 締め ( しめ ) - choke
shimewaza 締め技 ( しめわざ ) - choking technique
shinken 真剣 ( しんけん ) - real sword; live blade
shinken shoubu 真剣勝負 ( しんけんしょうぶ ) - a fight or duel with real swords
shinobi 忍び ( しのび ) - term referring to person who practices ninjutsu
shinobi 志能備 ( しのび ) - early term for ninja
shinobi 竊盗 ( しのび ) - another term for ninja
shinobi no jutsu 忍の術 ( しのびのじゅつ ) - methods of stealth; ninjutsu
shinobi no mono 忍の者 ( しのびのもの ) - person who practices ninjutsu
shinobi no mono 忍ノ者 ( しのびのもの ) - person who practices ninjutsu
shinobi shouzoku 忍び装束 ( しのびしょうぞく ) - ninja clothes; black clothing associated with the ninja
shinobizue 忍び杖 ( しのびずえ ) - cane with hollowed out interior to conceal weapons
shinogi ( しのぎ ) - ridge that runs down the midsection of the blade of a Japanese sword
shinogiji 鎬地 ( しのぎじ ) - the area between the shinogi and the mune on a Japanese sword
shinshinkanpajutsu 身心看破術 ( しんしんかんぱじゅつ ) - the ability to read the opponent by touching them
shishinken 指針拳 ( ししんけん ) - strike with the little finger of the hand
shitanken ( ) - finger tip strike
shitouken 指刀拳 ( しとうけん ) - thumb tip strike; boushiken
shousei ( ) - victorious voice; a kind of kiai
shubaku 手白 ( しゅばく ) - unarmed close combat techniques
shudendou 修験道 ( しゅげんどう ) - a highly syncretic Buddhic religion or sect and mystical-spiritual tradition which originated in pre-Feudal Japan
shugenja 修験者 ( しゅげんじゃ ) - a practitioner of shugendou
shugyou 修行 ( しゅぎょう ) - training; practice; discipline; study; ascetic practices
shugyousha 修行者 ( しゅぎょうしゃ ) - practitioner of martial arts; practitioner of austerities
shukou 手鉤 ( しゅこう ) - hand claws used to aid in climbing; formerly a secret tool of Togakure ryuu ninjutsu; tekagi
shuriken 手裏剣 ( しゅりけん ) - throwing spikes or plates
shurikendome 手裏剣止 ( しゅりけんどめ ) - stopping or avoiding thrown weapons
shutouken 手刀拳 ( しゅとうけん ) - strike with the pinky-side of the hand
sode ( そで ) - sleeve
sode ( そで ) - sleeve; armored shoulder upper arm protection
sodegarami 袖搦 ( そでがらみ ) - pole weapon used to control or capture people at a distance; "sleeve entangler"
sokkou 足甲 ( そっこう ) - metal claws worn on the feet to aid in climbing (Togakure ryuu)
sokugyakuken 足逆拳 ( そくぎゃくけん ) - kick to strike with the toes
sokuyakuken 足躍拳 ( そくやくけん ) - strike using the heel of the foot
sonkyo 蹲踞 ( そんきょ ) - crouching posture
soudensho 相伝書 ( そうでんしょ ) - record of inheritance
souhei 僧兵 ( そうへい ) - warrior monks
soujutsu 槍術 ( そうじゅつ ) - techniques of the spear
souke 宗家 ( そうけ ) - grandmaster, head of ryuu
sousho 草書 ( そうしょ ) - cursive style of writing
suhada bujutsu 素肌武術 ( すはだぶじゅつ ) - martial techniques done in street clothes
suhada kumiuchi 素肌組討 ( すはだくみうち ) - fighting without armor
suijutsu 水術 ( すいじゅつ ) - swimming skills
suiren 水練 ( すいれん ) - swimming practice; swimming skills
sujikabuto 筋子兜 ( すじかぶと ) - armored helmet;
suki ( すき ) - opening; weak point
sukima 隙間 ( すきま ) - an opening or gap (in kamae)
sukima 透き間 ( すきま ) - an opening or gap (in kamae)
sun ( すん ) - measure of length; about 1.19 inches; 10 sun = 1 shaku
suneate 脛当て ( すねあて ) - armored shin guards
suneate 臑当 ( すねあて ) - armored shin guards
suppa 素破 ( すっぱ ) - another term for ninja; small team of ninja
suppa 水破 ( すっぱ ) - another term for ninja
suppa 出抜 ( すっぱ ) - another term for ninja
suppa 透破 ( すっぱ ) - another term for ninja
sutemi 捨身 ( すてみ ) - sacrifice technique
tachi 太刀 ( たち ) - long sword usually worn slung blade-down from the belt
taiden 体伝 ( たいでん ) - body transmission; teachings passed on by direct training methods
taihenjutsu 体変術 ( たいへんじゅつ ) - methods of rolling, leaping and hitting the ground; lit: body-changing skills
taijutsu 体術 ( たいじゅつ ) - general term for unarmed combat
taisabaki 体捌 ( たいさばき ) - general term for body movement
takagi yoshin ryuu 高木陽心流 ( たかぎようしんりゅう ) - juutaijutsu tradition studied in the Bujinkan
tameshigiri 試し斬り ( ためしぎり ) - test cutting with a sword using any type of target
tanren 鍛錬 ( たんれん ) - body forging exercises
tantou 短刀 ( たんとう ) - knife; dagger
taryuu shiai 他流試合 ( たりゅうしあい ) - a contest between people of two different martial traditions
tatehiza 立て膝 ( たてひざ ) - seated kneeling posture with one leg up
tehodoki 手解き ( てほどき ) - technique for escaping from a hand or writs grab
tekagi 手鉤 ( たかぎ ) - hand claws used to aid in climbing; shukou
teki ( てき ) - enemy
tekken 鉄拳 ( てっけん ) - knuckle duster weapon carried in the hand
tekkou 手甲 ( てっこう ) - armored covering for the back of the hand and wrist
tengu 天狗 ( てんぐ ) - long nosed crow-like, mythical goblin, said to teach secret martial arts
tenouchi 手の内 ( てのうち ) - class of weapons that are carried in the hand; lit. "inside the hand"
tensho 篆書 ( てんしょ ) - characters typically used for seals
tentou uchi ( ) - strike to top of head
teppan 鉄盤 ( てっぱん ) - small iron plates used in combat; either thrown or hand-held
tessen 鉄扇 ( てっせん ) - iron fan
tetsubishi 鉄菱 ( てつびし ) - caltrops
tetsubou 鉄棒 ( てつぼう ) - spiked or studded two-handed war club used in feudal Japan
tetsutsubute 鉄礫 ( てつつぶて ) - octagonal, round or square piece of iron, sometimes with sharpened edges, used as a thrown weapon
togakure ryuu 戸隠流 ( とがくれりゅう ) - ninjutsu tradition studied in the Bujinkan; lit.
tokonoma 床の間 ( とこのま ) - decorative alcove in a traditional Japanese style room
toppa 突破 ( とっぱ ) - another term for ninja
tori 取り ( とり ) - one who executes a technique
torimono sandougu 取りもの三道具 ( とりものさんどうぐ ) - three types of pole weapons used by the samurai class and their retainers to restrain criminals from a distance
torinawajutsu (捕縄術 ( とりなわじゅつ ) - methods of binding with a rope
torite 捕手 ( とりて ) - a generic term for unarmed combat
toujutsu 刀術 ( とうじゅつ ) - techniques of the sword
tousuijutsu 踏水術 ( とうすいじゅつ ) - swimming skills
tsuba ( つば ) - sword guard
tsubute ( つぶて ) - small throwing stones
tsuka ( つか ) - sword handle
tsuki 突き ( つき ) - punch; thrust with weapon
tsukubou 突棒 ( つくぼう ) - pole weapon used to control or capture people at a distance; "push pole"
tsunagi no ito 繋糸 ( つなぎのいと ) - cords connecting the kusazuri to the dou on a yoroi
tsurugi ( つるぎ ) - sword; often straight
uchidachi 打太刀 ( うちだち ) - role of the attacker in formalized weapons training
uchideshi 内弟子 ( うちでし ) - live-in student; main student
uchigatana 打刀 ( うちがたな ) - lit: striking sword; a sword meant to be worn so that it can be drawn in cut with in a single movement
ukagami 伺見 ( うかがみ ) - another term for ninja
ukami 伺見 ( うかみ ) - old term for ninja
uke 受け ( うけ ) - one who receives the technique
ukemi 受身 ( うけみ ) - receiving; falling safely
uketachi 受太刀 ( うけたち ) - role of the defender in formalized weapons training
urawaza 裏技 ( うらわざ ) - secret techniques of a ryuuha; often reversals or escapes lit. inner technique
uwagi 上着 ( うわぎ ) - jacket worn for bujutsu training
wakizashi 脇差 ( わきざし ) - short sword
ware ( われ ) - we, us, I; often the role of the defender in a kata
wariza 割座 ( わりざ ) - seated posture like seiza but with the legs moved to one side
waza ( わざ ) - technique
ya ( ) - arrow
yamabushi 山伏 ( やまぶし ) - another term for shugenja; lit.: 'one who lies in the mountains'
yamabushi heihou 山伏兵法 ( やまぶしへいほう ) - methods of fighting or tactics developed by the yamabushi
yaniwa 矢庭 ( やにわ ) - archery range
yanone 矢の根 ( やのね ) - arrowhead
yari ( やり ) - spear
yasurime 鑢目 ( やすりめ ) - file marks found on the tang of a Japanese sword
yawara 柔ら ( やわら ) - term for juujutsu or general unarmed combat
yawaragi 柔技 ( やわらぎ ) - term for juujutsu
yawarajutsu 柔術 ( やわらじゅつ ) - another term for general unarmed combat
yawarariki 柔力 ( やわらりき ) - general term for unarmed combat
yoko aruki 横歩き ( よこあるき ) - sideways walking; cross step
yokote 横手 ( よこて ) - the ridge that separates the tip from the rest of the blade of a Japanese sword
yoroi ( よろい ) - armor; suit of armor
yoroi kumiuchi 鎧組討 ( よろいくみうち ) - battlefield grappling in armor
yoroidoushi 鎧通し ( よろいどうし ) - dagger like thrusting blade for use against an armored opponent
yotsugumi ( ) - method of grappling in armor
youmei 幼名 ( ようめい ) - childhood name of a samurai
yueijutsu 游泳術 ( ゆえいじゅつ ) - swimming skills
yumi ( ゆみ ) - Japanese-style bow (for shooting arrows)
yuudansha 有段者 ( ゆうだんしゃ ) - those holding black belt rank

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