uchidachi 打太刀 ( うちだち ) - role of the attacker in formalized weapons training
uchideshi 内弟子 ( うちでし ) - live-in student; main student
uchigatana 打刀 ( うちがたな ) - lit: striking sword; a sword meant to be worn so that it can be drawn in cut with in a single movement
ukagami 伺見 ( うかがみ ) - another term for ninja
ukami 伺見 ( うかみ ) - old term for ninja
uke 受け ( うけ ) - one who receives the technique
ukemi 受身 ( うけみ ) - receiving; falling safely
uketachi 受太刀 ( うけたち ) - role of the defender in formalized weapons training
urawaza 裏技 ( うらわざ ) - secret techniques of a ryuuha; often reversals or escapes lit. inner technique
uwagi 上着 ( うわぎ ) - jacket worn for bujutsu training

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