ji ( ) - area between the hamon and the shinogi on a Japanese sword blade
jindai moji 神代文字 ( じんだいもじ ) - form of writing possibly used before the adoption of Chinese characters
jingasa 陣笠 ( じんがさ ) - flattened, wide brimmed helmet
jissen 実戦 ( じっせん ) - real combat; realistic fighting
jizamurai 地侍 ( じざむらい ) - provincial warrior who would return to farm his land while in peacetime
joshi goshinjutsu 女子護身術 ( じょしごしんじゅつ ) - women's self defense
jou ( じょう ) - staff usually about 4 feet in length
juudou 柔道 ( じゅうどう ) - judo
juujutsu 柔術 ( じゅうじゅつ ) - method of close combat, unarmed or using weapons
juunan undou 柔軟運動 ( じゅうなんうんどう ) - flexibility exercises
juutaijutsu 柔体術 ( じゅうたいじゅつ ) - term used to describe methods of throwing an opponent using the body

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