ha ( ) - the edge of the blade of a sword
habaki ( はばき ) - wedge shaped metal collar used to keep the sword from falling out of the scabbard
hachimaki 鉢巻 ( はちまき ) - head wrap
hachiwari 鉢割 ( はちわり ) - helmet breaker; handheld weapon used to break armor
hada ( はだ ) - the grain of the metal on a sword blade
hagaijime 羽交締め ( はがいじめ ) - restraining technique similar to a full-nelson
haidate 佩楯 ( はいだて ) - armored thigh guards
hakama ( はかま ) - pleated trousers
hakuda 白打 ( はくだ ) - unarmed close combat techniques
hamachi 刃区 ( はまち ) - notch where the blade meets the nakago on a Japanese sword
hamon 破門 ( はもん ) - formal expulsion from a ryuu
hamon 刃文 ( はもん ) - temper line found on the blade of a Japanese sword
hanbou 半棒 ( はんぼう ) - short (usually 3 foot) staff
hanshi 範士 ( はんし ) - master practitioner
happaken 八葉拳 ( はっぱけん ) - double open handed strike
haramaki 腹巻 ( はらまき ) - light armor worn by footsoldiers; stomach wrap
hatahoko 幡幢 ( はたほこ ) - spear with a small banner attached sometimes used to decorate an altar
hayamichi no mono 早道の者 ( はやみちのもの ) - another term for ninja
heifuku kumiuchi 平服組討 ( へいふくくみうち ) - fighting in everyday clothing
heihou 兵法 ( へいほう ) - methods of strategy
henka 変化 ( へんか ) - variation or change in a technique
hensoujutsu 変装術 ( へんそうじゅつ ) - methods of disguise
hibuki 秘武器 ( ひぶき ) - secret weapon
hichoujutsu 飛鳥術 ( ひちょうじゅつ ) - practice of leaping and jumping
hiden 秘伝 ( ひでん ) - secret technique or teaching
higurumaken 火車剣 ( ひぐるまけん ) - fire shuriken
hijiri ( ひじり ) - Buddhist missionary
hinawajuu 火縄銃 ( ひなわじゅう ) - matchlock musket
hira shuriken 平手裏剣 ( ひらしゅりけん ) - flat throwing blades, usually star-shaped
hisouken 秘槍拳 ( ひそうけん ) - thumb tip strike; boushiken
hobaku 捕縛 ( ほばく ) - arresting or binding techniques; tying techniques
hojou 捕縄 ( ほじょう ) - tying and securing; rope used to bind a criminal
hojoujutsu 捕縛術 ( ほじょうじゅつ ) - methods of binding with a rope
honbu 本部 ( ほんぶ ) - headquarters; main branch; also hombu
horagai 法螺貝 ( ほらがい ) - conch shell trumpet
houjutsu 方術 ( ほうじゅつ ) - system of divination based on direction
hyouhou 兵法 ( ひょうほう ) - methods of strategy; also heihou
hyoushi 拍子 ( ひょうし ) - rhythm, timing

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